Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Cariocas Cows (from 2007 Parade) / Algumas Vacas Cariocas

As I have just explained to a friend, when Rio de Janeiro had its own Cow Parade's, in 2007, some people bought some cows in order to have them exposed to general people for good! Below are 2 of them that stay in front of shops on the sidewalk. They look pretty, don't they?!!!


Como eu expliquei a um amigo, quando o Rio teve a sua Cow Parade’s, em 2007, algumas pessoas compraram algumas vacas para tê-las expostas para o público em geral, para sempre! Abaixo estão algumas delas, que ficam expostas em frente a lojas, na calçada. Elas são bem legais, não são?!!!


Senior Debutante said...

Are these good-looking graphics or real-painted cows? Beautiful!

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Senior Debutante!
No, they are "really" real-painted!!! Well, the big majority of them are, because the one with red scarpin is made of mosaic and you know, the black & white drawers represent the famous Copacabana Beach sidewalk. And the first one on the previous post about Cow Parade's is made of neon lights. But I prefer the ones real-painted in many different and vibrant colors!