Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The plug-in cars! / Os carros de tomada!

This post is to start celebrating the World Environment Day that will be next Saturday!

A couple of decades ago, electric cars were not taken seriously. That’s because the whole idea of driving a vehicle using only a battery wasn’t yet too developed back then. It’s just like driving a toy car that would run out of gas right in the middle of the race! However, the dwindling gas reserves have made alternative energy to become a hotly-pursued commodity. So, nowadays the electric cars are welcomed with open arms because of the potential that they present. Owning a car like that is not just about saving money, but also about having a quiet, almost 100% recyclable and pollution-free vehicle, what means that they don't emit any noxious gases that can harm the environment! What's more, the new designs are really awesome! My favorite ones are the littlest, the lightest, and smallest. Sustainability and eco-friendly are the key words for the Third Millennium!

Esta postagem é para começar a celebrar o Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente que será no próximo sábado!

Há algumas décadas atrás, os carros elétricos não eram levados muito a sério porque a idéia de dirigir um veículo movido à bateria não estava tão desenvolvida até então. Os carros pareciam de brinquedo e que iriam ficar sem gasolina bem no meio de uma corrida! Contudo, com as reservas de petróleo cada vez mais caras e escassas, ar fontes alternativas de energia começaram a ser de suma importância. Atualmente, os carros elétricos são cada vez mais bem-vindos pelo potencial que representam. Ter um carro destes não é apenas uma questão de economia, mas é ter também um carro silencioso, quase que 100% reciclado e o mais importante, livre de poluição, pois não emite gás carbônico, que é tão nocivo ao meio ambiente. E hoje em dia o design deles é simplesmente fantástico! Os meus preferidos são os menores e mais leves! Sustentabilidade e ecologicamente correto são as palavras chave do Terceiro Milênio!


Vania Moreira said...

Hi Glenn, nice to see you here!
Yes, I totally agree with you! It's good to have new alternative ways of dealing with progress and modern life. The future generations deserve a clean and healthy planet to live and raise their kids!

nothingprofound said...

Electric cars are starting to appear here on the streets of NY, but I haven't seen any as fantastic or futuristic-looking as those. They're really enchanting. Hopefully, they're the wave of the future.

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Marty! Yes, I know, but many of them are still being tested. I think that now the main function of these amazing models is to attract the people’s attention for the newness, as everybody needs a push when facing new ideas, habits, behavior and attitudes. We are so used to have comfort with our status quo, why changing this “warm” situation??? So, by seeing these futuristic and awesome projects we can be opener to the principal idea behind it: to have a pollution-free car, even with some problems at the beginning, such as the way that they are recharged and the duration of each charge, among others. But you know, the 5th picture shows a model from Peugeot, called Bébé (baby) that is being designed and tested to be really built and sold. In my opinion it’s very cute!

riyan said...

Really awesome designs.Like the 3rd car.How awesome it is to drive this car in a road with jam-packed with vehicles.

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Riyan! Yes, I loved the 3rd car as well, and the 4th, the 5th, the 6th...
Could you imagine a road full of these cars, no noise and no pollution? It's like a dream!