Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's trumpet trees time! / É tempo de ipês!

We are in springtime now and also in daylight saving, so the hot is coming and the flowers start to blossom! What I like the most in this specific season is the abundance of “ipês” (trumpet trees), which are notable flowering trees. The flowers are produced in dense clusters and the colors vary between species ranging from white, light pink, yellow, magenta or purple. These species are widely used as ornamental trees in the tropics in landscaping gardens, public squares, and boulevards due to its impressive and colorful flowering. They are also useful as honey plants for bees, and are popular with certain hummingbirds. The wood is used for furniture, decking, and other outdoor uses due to its insect resistance and durability. But the color is the most inpressive aspect for me, as you can see below.

Nós já estamos na primavera e também no horário de verão, o calor se aproxima e as flores já começam a desabrochar. O que eu mais gosto nesta estação é a abundância de ipês que começam a florescer de maneira notável! As suas flores produzem generosos ramalhetes, cujas cores variam entre o branco, o rosa pálido, o amarelo, o pink e o roxo. Estas espécies são muito usadas como plantas ornamentais nos jardins e nas avenidas dos países tropicais devido a essa floração colorida e exuberante. Os ipês também são procurados pelas abelhas e por muitos beija-flores. A sua madeira também é muito usada para móveis e principalmente decks exteriores, por conta da sua durabilidade e alta resistência aos insetos. Mas o que mais me impressiona são as cores, como você pode conferir abaixo.


nothingprofound said...

Vania-what beautiful pictures and trees. I'm jealous. It's fall here now, and winter is quickly approaching, although today is springlike-sunny and warm. Spring is such a hopeful time, with everything blooming and blossoming, and of course it means that summer-glorious summer-is on the horizon.

Murka said...

Totally agree with every word Marty!

Vania Moreira said...

Hi dear Marty! You don’t have to be jealous because your fall is also astonishing! But yes, now I have to agree with you: spring is really a hopeful time! What’s more, as in my hemisphere the summer arrives together with Christmas time, an atmosphere of colors, hope and joy is everywhere!!! And it’s coming! But once more, you don’t have to be jealous, because Christmas time in the USA is an unforgettable experience! Have a nice and yellow-orange-red-brown weekend!

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Murka! Long time no see you! What else can I want, if I’m surrounded by colors and birds everywhere? I have only to thank to be alive to see this marvelous world! Have a nice weekend!

fazrul arhan said...

Oh my God,what a beautiful scenery with a lovely colors..YES! You are right,this is really what i enjoy to see..even i had a dream to live in a places seround with flowers like this :)

Vania Moreira said...

Dear Fazrul,
As Marty, now it's my turn to be jealous, because I have the spring now, but you have the ability of wonderfully painting it with your brush! I knew that you’d like it!

J_on_tour said...

These are amazing colours that I don't think I've seen before. Some are available in certain tree reserves that have entrance fees but not on the street. Photos 1 & 9 are my favourites.

Vania Moreira said...

I can’t believe, J_on_tour, here these trees are spread almost everywhere! If you go to Teresopolis, a country city near Rio de Janeiro, you’ll see lots of amazing trumpet trees along the highway, for free!!! You’ll see also for free the “Dedo de Deus” (God’s finger) a very beautiful mountain that looks like a hand with the longest finger pointing to the sky. Huuummm I have just thought about my future post! See U there!

J_on_tour said...

I'll look forward to that.

Vania Moreira said...

OK! By the way I liked the most photo 1 as well and 8!