Friday, October 8, 2010

The cool VW Electric Bike / A bicicleta elétrica VW

The vehicle industry shows signs that finally understood the sustainable mobility concept! In the Auto China 2010 event last April, the Volkswagen presented its first two wheels vehicle and the “Think Blue” concept. Its VW Bike caught more attention than its own cars, what was incredible! The company exposed it as a master piece of mobility: the bike has no pedals, can be folded up, has good brake and autonomy, because it functions with a 12 volts battery that can be recharged by using the car or a common socket! The model was designed to perfect fit into the car trunk, being a complement of the vehicle. So, the driver can leave the car in a parking and go to his/her crowded destination riding this amazing electric bike! In Rio there are places where you can rent and buy an electric bike, which is the best and healthy way to know the city. There are also places that organize group tours, when you can exercise yourself and also have fun!

A indústria automobilística parece que finalmente entendeu o conceito de “mobilidade sustentável”. Na Auto China 2010 de abril, a Volkswagen apresentou seu primeiro veículo de duas rodas e o conceito "Think Blue". Por incrível que pareça, a bicicleta da companhia chamou mais atenção do que os seus próprios carros, sendo definida como uma obra de arte da mobilidade. A VW Bike não tem pedais, é dobrável, possui ótimos freios e autonomia, pois funciona com bateria de 12 volts que pode ser recarregada no próprio carro, ou numa tomada comum. O modelo foi concebido para se encaixar no porta-malas, assim, o motorista pode deixar o carro num estacionamento e ir para os centros mais congestionados pedalando esta incrível bike elétrica! No Rio há lojas que alugam e vendem essas bicicletas, que são os melhores e mais saudáveis meios de se conhecer a cidade. Alguns lugares organizam saídas em grupo, quando além de se exercitar, você ainda pode fazer novos amigos!

VW Bike
Brazilian e-bikes


nothingprofound said...

Hadn't seen these before-what a great idea! And they look like fun.

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Marty! Yes, they look great! What's more, they make no noise and are eco-friendly! I want the pink one!

fazrul arhan said...

This is awesome!!
I remember once a couple of years ago. My friend and i we went to the forest so we leave our car at the park and start enjoying the environment with cycling. How wonderful it is. However,this one is so much better.
Love the pink one too,haha

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Fazrul! Yes, they seem great! Yesterday I walked along the beach and saw some of them. They are becoming common and fashionable here, and you know what, they really make no noise!

robert said...

I have never read about these vehicle, Thanks Vania.
How about the autonomy? How many hours or kilometers you could drive this vehicle?

Vania Moreira said...

It’s said that you can cover 20 kilometers on a full charge, along with a top speed of 20 kilometers per hour.