Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beatles in the sky of diamonds / Beatles num céu de diamantes

For those who, like me, love The Beatles, I strongly recommend the musical “Beatles in the Sky of Diamonds” that is being played in Rio for the second time. The spectacle was seen by more than 150.000 people so far, and because of its huge success, it returned to the city. In the stage there are ten young voices – five male and five female – two pianos, one cello and percussion, few accessories, no changing clothes, no scenario, few lights, but together these minimalist elements perform a marvelous and touching spectacle! Who, like me, are used to listening to the Beatles’ songs played by Paul, John, George and Ringo, or by cover bands will be very surprised with this young and talented coral! Together, the actresses and actors build a plot and are able to tell us a beautiful story, only with the Beatles’ melodies and lyrics.


Para aqueles que, como eu, adoram os Beatles, eu recomendo o musical “Beatles num Céu de Diamantes”, que está sendo encenado no Rio pela segunda vez. O espetáculo foi visto por mais de 150 mil pessoas até agora, e por causa deste enorme sucesso, voltou à cidade. No palco são dez jovens vozes – cinco masculinas e cinco femininas – dois pianos, um violoncelo, percussão, poucos acessórios, nenhuma troca de roupa, nenhum cenário, poucas luzes, mas juntos esses elementos minimalistas encenam um maravilhoso e emocionante espetáculo! Aqueles que, como eu, estão acostumados a ouvir as músicas dos Beatles cantadas por Paul, John, George e Ringo, ou por bandas cover vão se surpreender com este jovem e talentoso coral! Juntos, os atores e as atrizes constroem um enredo e conseguem contar uma bela estória, somente com as letras e as melodias dos Beatles.


Shawn said...

I am a huge Beatles fan. I also believe in supporting local talent.
It looks like a excellent show.I wish we had something like this near me.

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Mr. Monkey! Thanks for visiting and commenting!

I'm a huge fan as well, for me they are still the best band in the world!

Yes, it is an excellent show, I have seen it twice! Also I have been listening to the Beatles albuns all the time!