Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today is the Pizza Day! Hoje é o Dia da Pizza!

The pizza’s origin is much older than we can imagine, as the first register about it is more than 6,000 years old. The pizza as we know is an evolution of the bread that people used to make in ancient Israel and some Arabic countries. In 1889 an Italian baker produced and sold a special kind of bread covered with olives, cheese and pieces of cooked pig skin that was a typical food of poor people because it was very cheap. In Naples it was called “pizza” since the beginning. Its fame reached the King Umberto and Queen Margherita and in her honor it was created the Margherita flavor! The Pizza Day is celebrated every year in Brazil since 1985, after a contest in São Paulo to elect the Top Ten Pizza Recipes, in July 10th. The greatest pizza lovers' communities are located in New York and in São Paulo because both cities have the biggest amount of Italian immigrants, who fortunately brought and spread the delicious pizza recipe!!! In Rio we love pizza as well and below are the best restaurants for me:

Alessandro & Frederico;



Capriciosa; Supermercado Zona Sul

A origem da pizza é muito mais antiga do que nós podemos imaginar, pois o primeiro registro tem mais de 6 mil anos! A pizza como nós conhecemos é uma evolução de um tipo de pão feito antigamente, em Israel e em alguns países árabes. Em 1889 um padeiro italiano produzia e vendia um pão especial coberto com azeitonas, queijo e torresmo, e esta era uma comida típica dos pobres, pois era bem barata. Em Nápoles ela era chamada de “pizza” desde o início, e a sua fama chegou ao rei Umberto e à rainha Margherita, e em sua homenagem foi criado o sabor “Margherita”. O Dia da Pizza é celebrado no Brasil todo dia 10 de julho, desde 1985, depois de um concurso em São Paulo para escolher as dez melhores receitas. Nova Iorque e São Paulo são os lugares que mais concentram amantes de pizza porque ambas as cidades têm os maiores contingentes de imigrantes italianos que, felizmente, nos trouxeram a deliciosa receita de pizza! Aqui no Rio também amamos pizza e os melhores restaurantes aqui, na minha opinião, estão listados acima.


jiff0777 said...

Even if i cant read. I can taste it. nice one..

Vania Moreira said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting! I agree with you! By the way, I visited your blog as well, see there!

robert said...

Vania, I love pizza and now I'm hungry :)

Vania Moreira said...

I love pizza too! I usually eat it once a week in one of the restaurants that I suggested here. But you know, there is supermarket close to my house that sell a delicious and cheap pizza! I’ll put this suggestion here as well!