Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Solar City Tower for 2016 Olympic Games

I love modern stuff mixed with old ones, even mixed with landscapes, but sometimes I think that artists and architects seem to be in Wonderland!!! The project below was conceived to be a welcome and observation monument for those who arrive in Rio by air and by sea. Projected by RAFAA Office, from Zurich, Switzerland, the Solar City Tower, is also a kind of repository of solar energy captured by the huge panels during the day and the water force on its turbines, during the night. The place offers many services such as amphitheater, auditorium, cafeteria, shops and also a retractile platform for bungee jumping. At the top, visitors can see all the landscape around and the “waterfall”. In my opinion, besides hiding the natural landscape the project’s design is also bizarre, expensive, unnecessary and ugly! Very ugly!!!

Eu gosto de “modernices” misturadas a coisas antigas, até mesmo misturadas a paisagens, mas algumas vezes artistas e arquitetos “viajam na maionese”!!! O projeto abaixo foi concebido para ser uma torre de observação e também de boas-vindas àqueles que chegam ao Rio pelo ar ou pelo mar. Criado pelo escritório RAFAA, de Zurique, na Suiça, a Solar City Tower é também um tipo de repositório de energia solar, captada pelos imensos painéis, durante o dia, e pela força das águas nas turbinas, durante a noite. O lugar oferece vários atrações, tais como teatro, auditório, cafeteria, lojas e também uma plataforma retrátil para a prática de bungee junping. No top os visitantes podem ver toda a paisagem ao redor e também a "cascata". Na minha opinião, além de encobrir a paisagem, o projeto é bizarro, caro, desnecessário e feio! Muito feio!!!


robert said...

I've read about this project before. I don't know what to say. I would like to have more informations about it.
Perhaps is bizarre, expensive and unnecessary. But why ugly?

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Robert!
With all the natural and amazing landscape around, why a big "stone" to disturb this balance and hide angles? Well, it's my opinion. On the other hand, I love, really LOVE the Louvre's pyramid, that so many hate! But in my case, another point is that we need stuff much more important than the "ugly stone" (ehehe)! Let's see how it will be...

nothingprofound said...

It is kind of an eyesore. But with all that lovely sand and water around I don't think I'd even notice it. Your city is SO beautiful.

Vania Moreira said...

Hi Marty! Exactly, there's no need to built the ugly stone!
Thanks, I AGREE with you, eheheh!
Have a nice weekend!