Monday, March 22, 2010

World Water Day 2010: let’s be more conscious! / Dia Internacional da Água: vamos ter mais consciência!

About World Water Day

The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 of 22 December 1992 by which 22 March of each year was declared World Day for Water, to be observed starting in 1993, in conformity with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) contained in Chapter 18 (Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda 21. States were invited to devote the Day, as appropriate in the national context, to concrete activities such as the promotion of public awareness through the publication anddiffusion of documentaries and the organization of conferences, round tables, seminars and expositions related to the conservation and development of water resources and the implementation of the recommendations of Agenda 21.

Sobre o Dia Mundial da Água

A Assembléia Geral da ONU aprovou A/RES/47/193 resolução de 22 de dezembro de 1992, através da qual 22 de março de cada ano foi declarado o Dia Mundial da Água, a ser observado a partir de 1993, em conformidade com as recomendações da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (UNCED), contidas no capítulo 18 (Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda21. Membros foram convidados a dedicar o Dia, da forma adequada no contexto nacional, a actividades concretas, como a promoção da sensibilização pública através da publicação e difusão de documentários e a organização de conferências, mesas-redondas, seminários e exposições relacionadas à conservação e desenvolvimento dos recursos hídricos e a implementação das recomendações da Agenda 21.


nothingprofound said...

I drink only water, so the purity and conservation of water is very important to me. Hope you're having a lovely day in your beautiful and exciting Rio.

Vania Moreira said...

Hi nothingprofound, thanks for visiting me!
Yes, water is the best and healthy drink in the world!!! But you know, people say that it will be as much expensive as euros, gold and petrol for the near generations! We have to conserve and share it because any kind of life depends on water to survive!

fazrul arhan said...

People say that it will be as much expensive as euros, gold and petrol for the near generations! - Vania

This is not impossible but i wish it would not come true. It's painful to think that we are suffering to get a fresh and clean water.

p/s Love your video clip here,it make me laugh,haha

Vania Moreira said...

Yes Fazrul, it's a terrible scenarium for the next generations IF anything stop climate change, global warming, polution, poverty, deprivation...
But I'm still optmistic about human beeing, because people also create and do amazing things one to another.
Yes, I like the video as well!